Lets work together

1:1 Coaching

1:1 private coaching is perfect for you to get full focus and attention in a completely private setting for you to achieve effective and maximum outcome you want. You are in complete control of each session and the outcomes you would like to achieve. I will lead you to get there through thought-provoking processes that will enable you to achieve the outcome you want. Knowing how to is not enough, real transformation requires deeper work within oneself. The 1:1 private coaching will focus on mindset works where you can obtain sustainable results.

Group Coaching

Group coaching provides group sessions for people who are looking to achieve a common goal. Each session comes with a set outcome that can be tailored to your exact requirements. Past sessions such as Happiness workshop and  Elevate program has been well received in helping people achieve the outcome they want. If you want it too, wait no more, sign up for the next session! Not only you’ll get coached by me but you would also learn from others; to not only grow by yourself but also grow together as a group. You’ll get connected with like-minded individuals and be part of an engaged group striving for a fulfilled life! Let the group vibe shine! I look forward to seeing you be part of this wonderful journey!

Online Masterclasses

Rising mind masterclass is designed to equip you with GROWTH and sustainable mindset, and unconditional self-worth, letting you grow to become fearless to live your full potential no matter what life throws at you.


1 – Build capacity for self-awareness, enabling you to develop an understanding of how you and others think, feel and behave

2 – Develop unconditional self-worth, – unshakeable self-confidence, positive and growth mindset

3 –  Unlock resources uniquely gifted to you to live your full potential

Here Is What People Are Saying


Mobile: 0406 125 185

Email: risingmindinfo@gmail.com


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