Coming Soon in November
Although this program invitation will be reaching out to 100 000 people , I’m accepting Only founding member.
So hurry! Click the button below to be the first one notified about the launch.
Are you feeling stressed and Burnt out all the time?
Do you want to put and end to this?
Are you enjoying the things you deserve? Or are you still stuck with the same routine again and again?
Are you tired of doing the same menial tasks without
knowing your real purpose?
We strive to get a good life We aim to be financially free We keep telling ourselves to live our passion and embrace our potential But as you look at yourself in the mirror you realized none of what you’ve hoped for is happening
I totally understand because I’ve been there and, in my experience, I realize that if we do not step outside of our comfort zones and keep doing what we doing, we will never get to live the life we desire.
You see, after working with many clients, I realized one of the most common mistakes people make is spending too much money, time and energy on improving their external skillsets. They focus too much on trying to better their skills in time management, communication, branding, organization and whatever it is they feel will increase their potential. Without actually knowing what gets in the way, they end up getting caught up in the loop of endless reacting with zero productivity and still not getting what they want in life.
Everyone “knows” the basic principles for losing unwanted weight. But how many people “know” this and yet struggle to see any result? As you can probably guess, millions of people, right?
So what do they do? They go out to “learn” more to cover what they think they lack, they thought they need to know everything before they can take step one, to get the result they want. They sign up diet plan and not working. Then they sign up workout program and isn’t cutting it. Then they head out to learn different routine but still not getting the result they wanted. It is exhausting and endless journey of learning more. Ended up you doing more and working harder than ever. Result? Still never change.
May be you’ve been through it yourself. You obviously missed something, right?
If you know what you supposed to do to get the result you wanted, why do you still struggle to get them?
Why doesn’t learning more change your results?
Chasing external resources to fill up what you think you lack won’t get you sustainable result effectively! It’s driven by internal that drives your thought, think and feel, actions and results, regardless what you know!
There’s a famous quote “all wonders you seek are within you”!
You are uniquely gifted and born with superpowers, the resources inside you shall not be abandoned, it’s worth tons more valuable than the resources you seek externally.
I truly believe that everyone has a genie in them. I see potential in people, my mission is to unleash it. I believe that freedom and happiness are found in our hands. My job is to guide you on the journey of finding the genie in you. That’s what I am here for! I want you to live the life you have always wanted!
That’s why I have put up the “SUPERWOMAN UNLEASHED”, a 90 days brand-new program that will help you be the superwoman you deserve to be and was always meant to be. Quit from Playing small and start dreaming!”
but I am inviting a small group of founding members to go through the training in real time with more focus and support as we create it for half the price, at just $2997. Pay closer attention, although this program invitation will be reaching out to 100,000 people, I’m only accepting 20 founding members.
We will work closely together for 90 days to give you everything you need to live the life you love at ease, sustainably! I am personally devoted myself to your success out of this program that makes a positive impact to your life. Your success stories and results will help us get this program into the hands of more people. I know that by working closely together with more focus and support isn’t just a win for us, it’s a win for you too!
Grab your spot here!
but I am inviting a small group of founding members to go through the training in real time with more focus and support as we create it for half the price, at just $2997. Pay closer attention, although this program invitation will be reaching out to 100,000 people, I’m only accepting 20 founding members.
I am a certified coach and mentor, recognized as intuitive and resourceful coach embodied holistic approach of mind, body and spiritual alignment and unleashing the resources that only you have inside out.
I have helped many people transform their life by uncover the subconscious blocks, reprogram the mind and bring awareness to spiritual and energy alignment for more abundance, more success and more prosperity in your life.
I started like everybody else, spending most of my life hustling and living life in the way that most of us have been brought up to live.
Go to school, get into a good university, graduate, find a job and climb the corporate ladder, working on a job with little satisfaction trading my precious time, freedom and worth for a little paycheck and little sense of security.
I buy in to other people ideas and rules without knowing I gave my own power and choices away to others; overtime I’ve lost my voice and forgotten what used to light me up. Being a mom, a wife, a leader, and many other roles in life, I spread myself too thin and prioritize myself lowest, I was stress and burn out; my self-worth was shaken and my health began to went downhill.
I’ve ended up feeling overwhelm, frustrated, powerless and forgetting who I truly am and capable of.
At my lowest point I began to pick myself up and determine to change.
I’ve started my entrepreneur journey while I was working on a demanding full-time job, self-study and devoted to personal growth and care for my 2 young kids without any family support.
I’ve made my first 100K in my online business within less than six months and continue multiplying my business income since then.
I was able to hit every goals and dreams ticked in effective way and at ease.
Today, I am unstoppable, unshakable self-worth, living a purposed-led and fulfilling life.
The impact I’ve made to people life brings me so much meaning, joy and love.
I began to realize my own superpowers are unlimited, I love and accept myself more. The thing is, I am not alone, there are many capable superwomen out there who deserve more in life are still undermining themselves, forgetting who they truly are and capable of.
I am very confident that If I can do it, they can too get to live the life they love.
The reason why I joined the program was to find my strengths, the what and the how to become a successful and influential public speaker. Without clarity at that time, I wasted lots of money and time on the many wrong courses learning bunch of skills that weren’t matter and not addressing the root cause such as my perspectives around public speaking, fear and doubts. I used to have so much fear when I’m in front of small audience size and always struggle to come up with content. And now I can speak comfortably and fluently in front of large audience size of hundreds and never chicken out ever since. I now have absolute clarity that my ideas for content just flow at ease and on demand. The effective step by step process is like the idiom “Peeling the onion”, leading me discovery the genie in me. All the tools and positive motivational words made me feel so comfortable and empowered me to go forward achieve my goals; filled with uncountable insight. There were so easy to practice and effective in today’s busy fast paced life!
– Jane L
I found the program is a needed dose of inspiration and massive realization. I ran into many obstacles in my life, her wisdom and thought-provoking questions help declutter my mind, and helped me found my voice and makes me a better leader in my life and career. My life has never been better because from there on I was able to expand myself using resources that were naturally in me, I was able to make a better decision and that is decided by me, not anyone else. I felt so much clarity and free 🙂
– Aili
It’s not the matter of how ready you are, but it’s a matter of how determined you are.
We all know, without action, nothing changes; you won’t have the time you always wanted to have and the life you always dream to have. If you are waiting for the circumstances to change then take action, the fact is without taking action to change the circumstances, nothing happens.
I invite you to think again, how long you’ve been waiting for?
Have you not waited long enough?
How much more you wait until you are ready?
Are you waiting for the right timing?
When is it going to be the right timing?
Give yourself a chance, sign up now to discover what’s possible for you! I’ll see you at the other side 😊
Life gets in the way and might have the impression there is just not enough time. It is your choice to choose how to spend your 24 hours each day.
Question is, do you choose to spend your time on things that truly matters in living the life you desire?
Most likely, you’re here for a reason.
I understand to squeeze some time out over your precious schedule can be a hard thing to do, that’s what I used to think too, until I made it happen in my business and living the life I love while working on full time corporate job, mom of 2 young kids without any support.
If I can do it, you can do it too!” The thing is, the results you’ll get will worth way more than the time and money you invested.